Circuit Riders have been out riding and libraries are being visited on a regular basis with new ones being added to the mix. It has been two months since we met as a group for the first time and and now a method and rhythm is quickly developing. We were able to get together for a meeting yesterday to exchange experiences, impressions and get feedback so that each of us can do our best work. The general consensus is that we are as happy to be at the libraries as they are having us there.
First is how welcome I feel and how willing both director’s are to get this important and necessary task done. They are well aware that weeding a collection is vital, as anyone who works in a library knows, yet it is often neglected due to overwhelming other demands. In the long run it increases circulation and just as important, allows patrons to see books which may have been overlooked before in jam-packed shelves. Also in regards to non-fiction, the collection will be current in certain areas such as health, business, law and have depth in other areas like gardening, cooking, history, art, and community needs. Both have nice selection of local history documents and area guides which we are of course keeping and the focus there is how to make them more visible and attractive.
At both libraries the directors and I have become a team with sharing not only the physical work but just as important the intellectual process that takes place. We are each others second opinion. Decision making works smoothly and we are in agreement almost all the time. More than once each director has told me that having me there once a week has really helped them to set aside a block of hours when weeding is the sole priority. Weeding takes time and effort and cannot be rushed if a good job is to be done. Even so, we have accomplished so much at both Windsor and Chesterfield.
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